Giving To Penn State

Employee Payroll Deduction

Employee Payroll Deduction

Through your efforts as a University employee—no matter your role or location within the Commonwealth—you help to make Penn State the world-class institution that it is today. Thank you for going the extra mile to support what you are passionate about at Penn State by giving through payroll deduction. To start, change, or cancel payroll deductions, follow the form below. To give via credit card, or to learn about other ways you can make a contribution, visit Raise Penn State.

If you need help completing this form or have questions about making a gift, please contact the Office of Annual Giving at or by calling 814-863-2052.

Make a Gift
Please select your status: Required
Please select your status:

Need Assistance?

Please contact the Office of Annual Giving at or by calling 814-863-2052 for help completing or changing your payroll deductions.